
Crawler Reference

This page explains how to configure a custom Memorious crawler and includes a reference for the available configuration options.

Memorious contains all of the functionality for basic Web crawlers, which can be configured and customized entirely through YAML files. For more complex crawlers, Memorious can be extended with custom Python functions, which you can point a crawler at through its YAML config.

We’ll start by describing the included functionality.

The first few lines of your config are to set up your crawler:

  • name: A unique slug, eg. “my_crawler”, which you can pass to memorious run to start your crawler.
  • description: An optional description, will be shown when you run list.

Optionally, the crawler can take the following configurations too:

  • delay: delay in seconds before queuing a task. delay can also be set individually for particular stages in stage params
  • expire: number of days the cached contents of a crawler are kept in the cache. This is the per crawler equivalent of MEMORIOUS_EXPIRE environment variable.
  • stealthy: turn stealth mode on or off. In stealth mode, Memorious uses a random User-Agent. It’s set to False by default.

The Pipeline

Memorious crawlers are made up of stages, each of which take care of a particular part of a crawler’s pipeline. Each stage takes an input from the previous stage, and yields an output for the next stage. For example, a crawling stage might find every URL on a webpage and pass it to a parsing stage which fetches and downloads the contents of each URL.

The first stage can be configured to automatically generate the starting input, or you can pass an input directly. See initializers.

The final stage is likely to be for storage, either via an API like aleph or writing to disc. See storing.

Every stage has access to the crawler’s persistent context object and the data that was passed from the previous stage. The data dict depends on the output of the previous stage. See the specific stages for what this looks like in each case.

You probably only need to think about the context if you’re writing extensions.


Each stage of a crawler is delimited by a child of the pipeline key in its YAML config. You can name the stages anything you like, and use these keys to refer to one stage from another.

A stage must contain:

  • method: what do you want Memorious to do when it gets to this stage.
  • handle: which stage is triggered next and under what conditions.
    • The default condition is pass. (ie. pass: crawl means in the case of a ‘pass’ condition invoke the stage called ‘crawl’).
    • Some in-built methods may return different conditions depending on the input - see method-specific sections.
    • You will care more about this if you’re extending Memorious.
name: my_crawler
    method: xxx
      pass: crawl
    method: yyy
      pass: save
    method: zzz

A stage may also contain a params key which lets you pass values in from the config. The data that comes out of each stage are available to the next stage via the data dict. Read on for the standard methods Memorious makes available to you, the parameters they take, and their output variables.

Skip to extending to see how to use custom methods if you need something that Memorious doesn’t do.


The initializer methods are:

  • sequence: generate a sequence of numbers.
  • dates: generate a sequence of dates.
  • enumerate: loop through a list of items.
  • seed: loop through a list of URLs.


Parameters (all optional):

  • start: the start of the sequence. Defaults to 1.
  • stop: the end of the sequence.
  • step: how much to increment by. Defaults to 1; can be negative.
  • delay: numbers can be generated one by one with a delay to avoid large sequences clogging up the queue.
  • tag: a string which ensures each number will be emitted only once across multiple runs of the crawler.

If this stage is preceded by a stage which outputs a number (for example, another sequence stage), it will use this value as the start of the sequence instead of start.

Output data:

  • number: the number in the sequence.


This generates a sequence of dates, counting backwards from end, either to begin or according to the number of steps, and the days/weeks value is the size of each step.

Parameters (all optional):

  • format: date format to expect and/or output. Defaults to “%Y-%m-%d”.
  • end: latest date to generate (should match format). Defaults to ‘now’.
  • begin: earliest date to generate (should match format). Overrides steps.
  • days: the time difference to increment by. Defaults to 0.
  • weeks: the time difference to increment by. Defaults to 0.
  • steps: The number of times to increment. Defaults to 100. Ignored if begin is set.

Output data:

  • date: a date formatted by the input format.
  • date_iso: a date in ISO format.


Emits each item in a list so they can be passed one at a time to the next stage.


  • items: a list of items to loop through.

Output data:

  • item: one of the items from the input list.


Starts a crawler with URLs, given as a list or single value .If this is called as a second stage in a crawler, the URL will be formatted against the supplied data values, ie:


  • url or urls: one or more URLs to loop through.

Output data:

  • url: each URL, with data from the previous stage substituted if applicable.

Fetching and parsing


The fetch method does an HTTP GET on the value of url in data passed from the previous stage.

Parameters (optional):

  • rules: only the URLs which match are retrieved. See Rules.
  • http_rate_limit: how many http requests to a host per minute

Output data:

  • The serialized result of the HTTP GET response.

Ftp Fetch

The ftp_fetch method does an FTP NLIST on the value of url in data passed from the previous stage.


  • username: for FTP username authentication, defaults to Anonymous.
  • password: for FTP password authentication, defaults to anonymous@ftp.
  • http_rate_limit: how many requests to a host per minute

Output data:

  • The serialized result of the FTP NLIST response.


The clean_html takes an HTTP response from something like fetch and strips down the HTML according to the parameters you pass. You can also use it to set metadata from an XPath (so far, title).


  • remove_paths: a list of XPaths to strip from the HTML.
  • title_path: a single XPath to indicate where to find the title of the document.

Output data:

  • What went in, plus added metadata, with the HTML content hash replaced with the cleaned version.

DAV index

The dav_index method lists the files in a WebDAV directory and does HTTP get on them; the directory is passed via the url of the previous stage data.

Output data:

  • The serialized result of the HTTP GET response.


The session method sets some HTTP parameters for all subsequent requests.


  • user: for HTTP Basic authentication.
  • password: for HTTP Basic authentication.
  • user_agent: the User-Agent HTTP header.
  • proxy: proxy server address for HTTP tunneling.

Output data:

  • Emits the same data dict that was passed in, unmodified.

Here’s an example configuration for a crawler that uses a socks5 proxy:

name: quote_scraper
description: Quotes to scraper
    method: session
      user_agent: "Memorious"
      proxy: "socks5://localhost:8080"
      pass: login
    # The first stage logs in and creates an HTTP session which is used for subsequent requests.
    method: example.quotes:login
      username: fred
      password: asdfasdf
      pass: fetch
    # Download the page passed from the login stage.
    method: fetch
      pass: crawl


The parse method recursively finds URLs in webpages. It looks in the href attributes of a and link elements, and the src attributes of img and iframe elements.

As data input from the previous stage, it expects a ContextHttpResponse object.

Parameters (optional):

  • store: only the results which match are stored. See Rules. If no rules are passed, everything is stored.
  • include_paths: A list of XPaths. If included, parse will only check these routes for URLs.
  • meta: A list of key-value pairs of additional metadata to parse from the DOM, where the key is the key for data and the value is an XPath of where to find it.
  • meta_date: The same as meta but the value is parsed as a date.


  • If the input data contains HTML, it passes each URL it finds therein to the current stage’s fetch handler.
  • The input data (unmodified) is also passed to the current stage’s store handler, filtered by any rules passed via the store param if applicable.

An example parse configuration, which crawls links and stores only documents:

  method: parse
      mime_group: documents
      - './/aside'
      - './/article'
      creator: './/article/p[@class="author"]'
      title: './/h1'
      published_at: './/article/time'
      updated_at: './/article//span[@id="updated"]'
    fetch: fetch
    store: store


The documentcloud_query method harvests documents from a instance.


  • host: the URL of the DocumentCloud host. Defaults to ’‘.
  • instance: the name of the DocumentCloud instance. Defaults to ‘documentcloud’.
  • query: the query to send to the DocumentCloud search API.

Output data:

  • url: the URL of the document.
  • source_url: the canonical URL from documentcloud metadata.
  • foreign_id: a unique ID from the instance and the document ID.
  • file_name: where the document is stored locally (?).
  • mime_type: hardcoded to application/pdf.
  • title: from documentcloud metadata.
  • author: from documentcloud metadata.
  • languages: from documentcloud metadata.
  • countries: from documentcloud metadata.


The final stage of a crawler is to store the data you want.


The directory method stores the collected files in the given directory.

The input data from the previous stage is expected to be a ContextHttpResponse object.


  • path: the directory to store files in, relative to the MEMORIOUS_BASE_PATH environment variable (another directory will be created in here, named after the specific crawler, so it’s safe to pass the same path to multiple crawlers).


  • The file is stored in path.
  • The data dict is dumped as a JSON file in path too.


The db method stores data as a row in a specified database table with appropriate timestamps. __last_seen and __first_seen timestamps are added based on when a row was updated or inserted respectively.


  • table: the name of the database table in which data will be stored
  • unique: A list of keys in data. If unique is defined, we try to update existing columns based on the values of keys in unique. If no matching row is found, a new row is inserted.

In case of large crawlers, it’s better to use the context datastore directly to store crawled data to make sure the task queue doesn’t run out of memory.

Storing documents in Aleph

The alephclient package provides a method named aleph_emit_document to push crawled documents from a Memorious crawler into an Aleph dataset.

The following data items can be passed into the aleph_client method inside the data dictionary:

  • content_hash: content hash of the document

And optionally:

  • url: source url of the document
  • title: title of the document
  • author: author of the document
  • file_name: name of the document file
  • retrieved_at: date the document was retrieved at
  • modified_at: date the document was last modified
  • published_at: date the document was published at
  • headers: extra headers
  • request_id: id to be used as foreign_id for the document
  • parent_foreign_id: foreign_id of the parent document if any
  • language: languages used in the document
  • countries: countries the document relates to
  • mime_type: document mime type

The data alpeh_emit_document emits to the next stages includes the following new items:

  • aleph_id: document id of the uploaded document in Alpeh
  • aleph_document: dictionary containing document metadata
  • aleph_collection_id: id of the Aleph dataset the document was uploaded into

Storing entities in Aleph

In addtion to storing documents the alephclient package also provides a method called aleph_emit_entity which will take content extracted via a memorious crawler directly into a followthemoney entity within Aleph.

In order to create entities you will need to map data from the document(s) being crawled and parse it into the appropriate properties for the entity that you are creating.

We can map parts of a crawled page to a followthemoney entity by supplying an appropriate schema and mathching properties as part of the parse section of our scraper:

  method: parse
    schema: Article
        - mime_group: web
      title: .//meta[@property="og:title"]/@content
      author: .//meta[@name="author"]/@content
      publishedAt: .//*[@class="date"]/text()
      description: .//meta[@property="og:description"]/@content

The data alpeh_emit_entity emits to the next stages includes the following new items:

  • aleph_id: id of the uploaded entity in Alpeh
  • aleph_collection_id: id of the Aleph dataset the document was uploaded into

In order to parse this in an ftm entity in Aleph you will also need to supply the appropriate call to the store part of your scraper:

  # Store the crawled document as an ftm entity
  method: aleph_emit_entity

Cleaning up stored data

Sometimes we want to delete a stored file after processing it. cleanup_archive method can delete a stored blob by its content hash. The method requires the content hash of the stored file as the value for the content_hash key in the data dictionary.


You can configure rules per stage to tell certain methods which inputs to process or skip. You can nest them, and apply not, and and or for the combinations you desire.

  • mime_type: Match the MIME type string.
  • mime_group: See for handy MIME type groupings (web, images, media, documents, archives and assets).
  • domain: URL contains this domain.
  • pattern: URL matches this regex.
  • xpath: Document contains markup that matches this xpath


If none of the inbuilt methods do it for you, you can write your own. You’ll need to package your methods up into a python module, and install it (see installation instructions in readme).

You can then call these methods from a YAML config instead of the Memorious ones. eg:

  method: custom.module:my_method
    my_param: my_value
    pass: store

Your method needs to accept two arguments, context and data.

The data dict is what was output from the previous stage, and what it contains depends on the the method from that stage. The context object gives you access to various useful variables and helper functions…


Access the YAML config

  • You can access params with context.params.get('my_param').
  • You can also access other properties of the crawler, eg. and context.crawler.description.

The HTTP session

  • context.http is a wrapper for requests. Use context.http.get (or .post) just like you would use requests, and benefit from Memorious database caching; session persistence; lazy evaluation; and serialization of responses between crawler operations.
  • Properties of the ContextHTTPResponse object:
    • url
    • status_code
    • headers
    • encoding
    • file_path
    • content_hash
    • content_type
    • ok (bool)
    • The content as raw, text, html, xml, or json
    • retrieved_at: the date the GET request was made.
    • modified_at: from the Last-Modified header, provided it wasn’t in the last 16 seconds.

Data validation

As part of the context logic the following data validation helpers are available:

  • is_not_empty: whether value is not empty.
  • is_numeric: whether value is numeric.
  • is_integer: whether value is an integer.
  • match_date: whether value is a date.
  • match_regexp: whether value matches a regexp.
  • has_length: whether value has a given length.
  • must_contain: whether value contains a string.

The datastore

  • Create and access tables in the Memorious database to store intermediary useful crawler data: table = context.datastore['my_table'].
  • See dataset for the rest of how this works..


  • Call context.recurse(data=data) to have a stage invoke itself with a modified set of arguments (this is useful for example for paging through search results and handing off each list of links to a fetch stage).
  • To pass data from my_method to the next stage, use: context.emit(data={'my_key': 'my_value'}).
  • context.store_file(path, content_hash): Put a file into permanent storage so it can be visible to other stages.


  •, .warning(), .error() to explicitly log things.

Caching and incremental crawling

Memorious caches responses as tags in Redis. These tags expire after a certain duration (configurable by expire config option of the crawler or MEMORIOUS_EXPIRE environment variable). The context object has some helper functions to deal with these tags.

  • context.set_tag(key, value) to set a cache value
  • context.check_tag(key) to check if a key exists in cache
  • context.get_tag(key) to get a cached value

context.skip_incremental(*criteria) is a helper function that uses tags to provide support for incremental crawling. For example, let’s say you want to skip the urls you’ve crawled in a previous run. The code below will check if the url is in cache as a tag. If it’s not in cache, it will create a tag in cache and return False - it’s a new url that should be crawled. Else, if it’s already in cache, skip_incremental returns True - the url has been crawled before and should be skipped.

if context.skip_incremental(url):
    # skip url
    # process url


Memorious contains useful helper functions you might like to use:

from memorious.helpers import ...
  • ViewForm: Helper for VIEWSTATE in ASP-driven web sites.
  • convert_snakecase: Convert a given string to ‘snake_case’.
  • soviet_checksum: Ensure a company code from [TODO: countries] is valid.
  • search_results_total: Extracts the total search results count from a search index page. Pass it the page as an html object, an xpath route to the element containing the results text, a string to check that you’re looking in the right element, and a string delimiter which occurs immediately before the actual number.
  • search_results_last_url: Get the URL for the ‘last’ button in search results listing.
  • parse_date: Parse a string and return a string representing the date and time. Optional: use format codes.
  • iso_date: Return a date string in ISO 8601 format.
  • make_id: Make a string key out of many criteria.


from memorious.helpers.ocr import read_text
from memorious.helpers.ocr import read_word

Memorious contains some helpers that use tesserocr to OCR images. tesserocr depends on Tesseract version 0.3.4+.

  • read_word: OCR a single word from an image.
  • read_text: OCR text from an image.


It’s possible to run predefined postprocessing tasks after a Memorious crawler has finished running. The postprocessing task is defined under aggregator section in a crawler’s YAML config.

aggregator should contain:

  • method: which function to execute for postprocessing
  • params (optional): params to pass to the postprocessing method


Here’s an example from an example crawler

name: ...
description: ...
schedule: ...
pipeline: ...
  method: example.quotes:export
    filename: all_quotes.json


Best way to debug a crawler is to use logging liberally as needed. In addition to that Memorious provides a built in operation called debug that can log the data passed into it.

A stage in the pipeline can also take the parameter sampling_rate which is a float between 0.0 to 1.0. In debug mode, sampling rate determines what percentage of a stage’s tasks are passed forward. For example, with a sampling_rate of 0.2, Memorious forwards roughly 20% of the stage’s tasks to the next stages. This is helpful when developing and running big crawlers locally where we may not want to run through the entire crawler but only a smaller subset of the crawler to do a sanity check.

Here’s an example of a crawler that uses the debug op and the sampling_rate parameter.

name: quote_scraper
description: Quotes to scraper
    method: example.quotes:login
      username: fred
      password: asdfasdf
      pass: fetch
    method: fetch
      pass: crawl
    method: example.quotes:crawl
      sampling_rate: 0.2
      fetch: fetch
      pass: debug
    method: debug